Saturday, August 7, 2010

She knows me...well

Okay, so the orientation was officially ended with a fabulously arranged timetable for my classes starting on next week! Anyway, the story back to the last day before the end of orientation.

I was thinking to skip the last day as I don't want to participate in the presentation I'm just lazy. However, I scared I'll get the scolding from my parents and thus I decided just go ahead for it. On the same day, it was also my sister's convocation day.

So my mom got to know I didn't go for my sis convocation at the previous night itself:

Mom: Ohhh! I thought you joined us for the convocation?

Me: No ~ Tomorrow is the final day of my orientation though :( .

Mom: O-rientation?! I thought you are having NORMAL CLASSES.

Me: The 1st week is just orientation. Classes will be started next week.

Mom: Ohh! So why don't you just join us? Go apply a leave, it's just ORIENTATION.

Me: WHAT?! So you are okay with it?

Mom: Why not? It's not normal classes though. It's just 1 day.

Me: Ewwwwww! You should have tell me earlier. I just promised my classmate that I'll appear for the presentation tomorrow. By the way, you know what personality I'm playing tomorrow - An interviewer that get PISSED OFF E.A.S.I.L.Y! Hahahahahahassss!!

Mom: Wow! That's great! You don't have to act at all! You just show yourself will do! =)

Me: (Ouch-ed!!!)

I must admit, she knows me well, and so my sisters - they have the same respond. 


Hilda Milda™ said...

HAHAHA why yr mum so cute one! :p

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