Monday, December 27, 2010

Year End.

*Wiping the thick dust*

It has been ... 3 months I guess that I didn't update anything. Life is still free just that I'm too enjoying in remain idle. Classes no longer 1 hour per week but they are packed like the queue of ant when they met a cube of sugar.

A summary for what I had done or met for the past 3 months:
- Eat 
- Sleep
- Play
- Talk
- Sing
- Laugh
- Share
- Breathe

Busy not? :p

Christmas was fun although I-city was not that impressing. Planned to get into study mode right after Christmas but guess what I had did today:
- Woke up at 11.00am (11.00AM!!!!!)
- Youtubing until 1pm
- Astro 322 until 2pm
- Lunch + Again astro 322 until 4pm
- Not yet have the momentum to study thus I clean up my room for 2 hours
- Upload photos and the commenting session until 7.30pm
- Dinner and do lil bit of shopping on groceries until 9.00pm
- Randomly check my FB and MSN for 1 hour
- And I went back to MSN and the cyber world.

WTH for myself :(

And yet I just decided to go shopping with my sister due to the year end sale! 

Anyone can force me to study? 
(except my parents :p)


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